June 27, 2018

4 Ways To Enhance Your Personal Brand

By Davia Sobelman

Everyone needs a personal brand. Social media has played a critical role in the personal branding conversation by highlighting online reputations and providing easy advancement opportunities. The professional world can be daunting and that’s why a strong personal brand can help you grow in your career. By amplifying yourself with a personal brand, you will build meaningful relationships, which can be more impactful than a resume.

Your personal brand is a unique mix of messages and values. It’s the things that make you you. Don’t be misguided; your brand exists both online and offline. In fact, they go hand-in-hand with one another, leading you to networking opportunities, new career endeavours and meaningful relationships. It’s a tactic often overlooked, but a strategy that helps separate you from the rest. So how do you create your personal brand? Consider these tips to help distinguish and grow your voice to reach a new level of success:

Make Time for Yourself

Individuality is key to establishing a unique personal brand. Focus on building your resume and pay attention to how you present yourself. All these small details help separate you from the rest, so it’s important to prioritize time dedicated solely to improving yourself. You can do this by revamping your wardrobe with professional attire, earning a new certification or finding a hobby. These tasks will help enhance your existing achievements and present a powerful image.

Clean Up Your Social Media

We all have those photos from a fun night out or nightmarish pictures from middle school. Browse through all your personal social media channels and delete images that don’t reflect your best self. More importantly, edit your privacy settings. Every post does not need to be public. Employers are likely to scope you out online and it would be a shame to miss an amazing opportunity due to a poor online reputation.

Network, Network, Network

Always have your elevator pitch ready and have business cards on hand. You never know who you’ll bump into and where, so rehearsing is necessary. Keep in mind your career goals and professional accomplishments so you can be best prepared whenever an opportunity presents itself. Continue to build your professional career by attending networking events from organizations such as PRSA, SDX, and ASJA. Be aware of what’s happening in your industry by following current trends and joining networking groups to continue those conversations.

Be Consistent

Your personal brand is 24/7. So if you want to amplify your brand voice, then stay active, follow trends and post frequently on your social channels. It may seem like a lot of work now, but the rewards will speak for themselves.

Keep in mind that all these techniques can easily translate to a variety of brands or organizations! If you’re ready to cultivate a powerful brand voice, shoot us an email at info@olivecreativestrategies.com to see how we can help!
